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Sell your Products (Albums / Singles) at Blophers Shop

Terms and Conditions

All songs compiled in your Product(s) are deemed original and you hold all reserved rights of the Product(s).

You and/or your band must be unsigned and independent from any label and must be independent for the distribution rights of your Product(s).

Annual membership fee of SGD50 applies for unlimited original Product(s) uploading to Blophers Shop.

Products sold through Blophers Shop are subjected to a transaction fee of 30% commission off transacted price to Blophers Music.

Product submission for uploading is only through email to Blophers Administrator for verification purposes and Blophers Music reserves all rights to reject any submission that deems inappropriate and/or requires further licensing verification from any parties and/or authorities.

You decide the pricing of your Product(s) submitted to Blophers Shop. However, the transaction price displaying at Blophers Shop is inclusive of 30% Blophers Music transaction fee.

All sales proceed of sold Product(s) will be audit and settled in a 3-monthly basis with sales breakdown details send via email.

All enquiries, amendments and special instructions relating to your Product(s) upload will be corresponding via email with Blophers Administrator.

Blophers Administrator will be start getting in touch with you within 24 hours upon successfully signed up as Blophers Shop Member.

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